Woo hoo! We are making some serious progress. Not gonna lie, I can't wait to be in my thirties. Pregnancy wise....not so much age wise.
Things are going really well. Little Mav moves like crazy and his big bro loves to just feel mom's tummy. One of these days I'm going to record when Canyon feels the baby move, his face is priceless. He also loves to smash his face up against my tummy and talk to Maverick. I think I like these boys:)
We did some serious room swapping over the last few weeks. We have three rooms upstairs; the master, Canyon's tiny room and a guest room with a big ol' bed in it. The guest room is by far the biggest of the two (I'm pretty sure the little one wouldn't fit a full size bed). In an effort to keep the full sized bed for when Grandma and Grandpa's come to visit, we decided it would now be Canyon's bed. So we moved all the furniture out of the guest room, finished the trim work on the bead board that was left undone by the previous owners (HALLELUJAH!), and painted it for C. C was moved in last week and LOVES his new room. We sold the twin mattress and painted the little room. On Saturday we set up the nursery furniture.
I didn't get to do a nursery with mister C so this is pretty exciting for me. Also, everything in the room was either given to us at some point in our marriage or purchased at a yard sale. Total I've spent $15 on the entire room, including paint. I still have a lot to do, mainly accents. I need stuff on the walls and I have an idea of what I want but I'm a cheapskate and I'm waiting to find things at minimal cost. Here's a little snap shot of the room so far.
I told you it was a tiny room. It's nothing spectacular but I'm sure in love with it. I can't wait to get stuff on the walls and some accent pillows to tie all the colors and prints together. I did turn the armoire into a little closet which freed the actual closet up for storing kids stuff that we don't use at this time.
Now that I'm exhausted just from explaining all the fun we've had in the last few weeks, I'll give you the chance to laugh, or not, at my maternity photos. I got the session free at this amazing studio at Thanksgiving point. I really wanted to do them but didn't really want to pay to have someone take pictures of me at my worst. Most days I feel great about myself but you know, pregnancy is hard on your body. I know I will treasure these forever, seriously. This baby has been a miracle in so many ways and continues to show us he was meant for our family every week. I'm glad I got to capture it. Without further ado, I give you 27 weeks (you should be excited for a break in the mirror selfies:)

Not going to lie, I love this. I decided to try and accessorize for once in my life. The ring on my right hand was my great grandmothers who passed away a few years ago. The pearl bracelet on the left was my grandma Nancy's. She passed away the week we found out that our IVF attempt worked. I visited her in the hospital a few weeks before and she was so hopeful for us. I know this little man got lots of kisses and hugs from his grandmas before his little spirit was sent to us.
To wrap up a rather long post, we have another level 2 ultrasound on Wednesday to make sure little Mav is growing well and see how his kidney is fairing. Next week is my regular OB appointment and glucose test (YAY! said no pregnant woman ever). I'll post an update on Wednesday after we meet with Dr. Spencer.
We love you all! Thanks for your support.