Friday, July 16, 2010

Babysitting blues

I'm going to be honest and up front...I'm having the babysitting blues.

The one thing I always swore I'd never do is....DAYCARE

School is around the corner and Zach is going to be gone ALL day. I'm stuck with a need for consistency for my sweet son and no way to get that....unless I go the daycare route. I wish I could find someone but I just don't know who.

Yesterday I cried.

Today I cried.

Honestly I don't think we could even afford daycare.

What do I do?

UPDATE: Thanks for all your comments but I would like to say that Zach and I really do need the money from me working and as much as I'd love to stay home with my son...the bills have to be paid. I love you all but I hope you know that I do love my son more than anything and he will get the attention and care he needs.


The Halls said...

:( I'm sorry dear! Come December I am open to watching him. Let me know if there is anything we can do.

Kristin said...

I'm so sorry Bailee. You can do this. I'll keep my eyes peeled for anything that will help! and any time I get a day off, I'm happy to help.

The Russell 4 said...

You know there is a great university near some very reliable family members who would love to care for that cute little chunk of a man. Just teasing you. It will all work out. We love you.

Stacey said...

I like your mom's idea :)
I'd offer to help but I live kind of far away now and I'll have a newborn in a 3 months which might complicate my life... keep praying, you'll figure it all out

Danica said...

Bailee, I know that it is stressful and I'm so sorry but I believe that Canyon needs YOU not a babysitter! He needs his mom and his home as his consistancy. Money has been tight for us most of our married life too but it works out. No one will love or take care of your son as well as you will.

Unknown said...

Bailee Shmailee, I'm with Danica on this one. I know you love the law office--I do too!--but with Zach moving to 40 hours a week in a management position, I think you guys will be fine with his income! Just focus on school and of course, more importantly, being a mom. He's only small once...

Dottie Stay said...

As soon as I get a few things under control you can count on me Bailee!! We love that little man. He would be so comfy here in our house full of boys! :) I worked when we had Ethan, and it was just fine. I traded with a friend and we had just opposite work schedules. Canyon will be great. He won't even know or remember that he is at a sitter's house. No biggie for the fat man, and you are an amazing mom. you are doing when is best for your family! Let me know what your schedule is and we can work something out. LOVE YOU!

mrs_stailey said...

I agree with Mindy. You do what you need to do. Canyon has lots of family that are willing to help. While it is ideal for us all to stay home with our children, sometimes it just cannot be done. It will all work out. I wish we were staying around, I would so watch him for you. Let me know if you need anything.

Esplins said...

I know what a nightmare daycare can be. I totally feel for you. I started teaching when Michael was only 6 weeks old and it was heartbreaking. I still cry sometimes and I'm starting year 3 with daycare. It's hard to have to work because any mom wants to be home and knows that being home is ideal. But sending them to daycare isn't so bad. It will get easier and you sacrifice now for something greater later. I promise things will work out. I'll keep you in mind. Us working moms need to stick together. Good luck! Who knows... we'll probably look back on this time years from now as we're home all day with our kids wishing we could send them all to daycare even just for an hour ;)