Friday, September 30, 2011

finding the right things to say

I've been half dreading this blog post. I just don't know how to put into words the events of the last 7 days. I don't think my life, or outlook, will ever be the same.

Most of you heard about this little guy making his big debut a week from today. He was born at 29 weeks but at a hospital known for it's NICU. We were all so hopeful. Unfortunately things took a turn for the worse and little Princeton returned to his Heavenly Father five days after birth. I can't tell you how much I love his parents and big bro and that love reached to him too. I got to meet him once when things were looking good. I was so impressed with the fight he had for life. The next day I got to spend time as he quietly passed from this mortal life to that paradise where he will wait for the rest of his family.

I guess the words I am struggling to find are those of comfort for the new little family that this baby came to. As I was blog surfing today I found this. It is exactly what I want his sweet parents to know.
Princeton, you have been a blessing. One that has changed the lives of many. Thank you. I know that there is a plan and Princeton was so perfect he didn't need to be tested or tried in this life, but sometimes that doesn't make it any easier to have him go.

Treav, Angela, I love you guys. I hope you know that we all do. We are all rooting for you to push through this and to come out stronger, even your baby boy Princeton.!!!

If you want to attend the funeral it's at 11am in Pleasant Grove this coming Monday. If you want more details let me know.

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