Monday, October 15, 2012

A wedding and some mud

Fall break was a fun one this year. Zach and I took off Thursday to St. George for my cousin Danica's wedding. The wedding was beautiful and the reception was such a blast. They are definitely a great match!

Saturday morning, a bunch of the girls ran the Dixie Mud Run. It was so much fun!

These were our "mud faces". Some got a lot muddier than others:)

Here is the whole crew at the finish line. Props to my grandma for doing it with us!

There was this nasty little lake at the farm. After the race we all decided to jump in to clean off. I think I stunk more after jumping in the lake than I did before. I hope I don't catch anything:)

Road trips with my man are always a blast. I know he doesn't love driving long distances but at least he has my silly conversation to keep him entertained, oh and Mumford and Sons:)

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