Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Reason #3 The Soccer Mom

I played a lot of sports in high school (when I say a lot I mean like 5). I think my mom was secretly grateful I turned out like her when it came to athletics. I also danced, played the violin and did some academic competitions. With all of these extra curricular activities comes lots of games, performances etc... My mom, she hardly ever missed one. I think I remember a game that she couldn't go to because of some really good excuse and she felt so bad. I laughed at her then and I still laugh but I'm grateful she was so supportive. I always knew she'd be at my games encouraging me and honestly, I played better for it. I love that she had a passion to figure out the sport (if it was one she didn't play) or share any tips she had from her own jar of experience (especially when I tried my hand, or legs, at hurdling). I love that she was my biggest fan, and still is. I will always need someone to cheer for me and I've got her! Thanks mom!
love ya, momma

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